HOW I DIFFER: Academics and Battle-Tested Experience

I have 25 years of executive-level business experience and was a CEO for 15 years running. I was brought up the ranks at a very young age and carried that pack on my back for a long time (it’s where this gray hair comes from). I have a story (which we should discuss over coffee). However, I don’t use my story to convince clients to 'do it my way'. I use my story to relate to them, find common ground, establish a base of deep empathy, and use it for fuel to help them find their own path forward.

I’m also an academic in the field of organizational behavior and leadership. I’ve invested a lot of time, money, and heart-driven energy into my continued learning about leadership and organizational behavior and development. And that journey continues.

The union of these two worlds is how I differ. I combine my real-world, battle-tested experience as a long-time working executive and CEO with my academic pursuits to create a coaching experience that’s both intelligent as well as boardroom-savvy.

Bill speaks from experience. It was easier to work with him who has accomplished so much in the real world vs. just an academic approach. Bill challenged me to think differently, even in situations where I did not see a problem with my current behavior.
— CFO in Hospitality Industry


I can uncover, discover and focus on the few key elements that can make a big shift. I see what clients can’t see in themselves. I find what limits them. We all have limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors that don’t serve us well. Discovering and discarding them is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

This work is about unleashing potential and guiding enormous energy in a positive direction. My clients are already accomplished and prosperous. That’s not enough for them. There’s more.

We explore and expand possibilities. We choose bigger goals to pursue and achieve. I help extraordinary people do more good, find more meaning, give more and get more out of life. If this sounds like a path you would like to pursue, let’s talk and explore if working together is a good fit.